Announcement Ralph
Prof. Dr Ralph De Wit strengthens our team
Antwerp, 22 August 2017
Goemans, De Scheemaecker Advocaten are glad to announce that Prof. Dr Ralph De Wit, lawyer at the Antwerp Bar Association, has joined their practice. (
In 1993 Ralph graduated summa cum laude as a Ph.D. at the University of Brussels upon defending his thesis on Carrier Liability and Documentation in Multimodal Transport. This thesis was later published in 1994 as a 518 pages volume with Lloyd’s of London Press, and is still considered worldwide as the bible for the law on multimodal transport. He became a lecturer as from 1994 and was called at the bar in 1996.
Ralph lectures or lectured Contracts, Torts, International Private Law, English Legal Terminology, Transport Law and Maritime Law at the law faculties of the Universities of Antwerp and of Brussels. He has an impressive record of publications and other academic contributions.
Although his academic credentials are vast, his main focus has, for the last two decades, been on the legal practice. He advised on, advocated or arbitrated major cases in transport matters, of international contracts and of anti-trust (competition).
He also played a significant role in law and treaty making either for governments or by assisting concerned industries at consultative meetings. He has acquired a unique network and lobby expertise.
Ralph so reinforces our maritime, transport and international commerce practice, our law and treaty making consultancy, so that we can maintain promptness in an increasing demand of services. He further enlarges our area of expertise, among others, to certain fields of competition law.
You can e-mail to Ralph at or call him on +32 496 234 069.
Laurent De Scheemaecker Benoît Goemans
direct: + 32 3 231 67 97 direct: + 32 3 231 54 36